Myspace Backgrounds
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Monday, February 11, 2008

Fun at the Park...

Took the kids to the "blue park" on Saturday afternoon...we have color codes for all there are probably 20 that we have visited, each with its own identity! Anyhoo...the blue park has a "running log" with handles and a bike trail and "river" nearby, so it's always fun. We get there and play on the zip line for a while and the equipment, but then, we venture off to the river. The boys get fixated on the "mountain" of dirt and begin having races up it. Boston and Branson decide it should be "hands free" climbing, and my Beau has a hard time because he is shorter (not short, mind you, as his 60 year old doctor said at his recent check-up that he was the biggest 5 yr old he'd ever seen!) and his legs can't propel him up the same as the big boys. At the end, Boston decided Beau should get an award for "5 Year Old Persistence"... and he and Branson tied...gotta keep everyone's self-esteem up, huh?!!! Sissy and I played "find the ants" and look at the puppies. Love those kiddos! Pictures coming soon and sorry that this blog is filled with "quotes""""""!!! :)


Shelley said...

You are doing awesome at the blog thing! Cant wait for pictures... Have a GREAT day!

Vanessa said...

sounds fun.........I, too, cant wait for the pics

Cara said...

I love your blog! I'm so glad you've gotten started. I really enjoy keeping up with everybody!

Anonymous said...

I was glad to get to talk to you today and now I have seen the blog. Way to go to both you and Shelley. Joyce