Myspace Backgrounds
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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

5 Things You Don't Know...Hmmm...

Vanessa has "tagged" me with the "5 Things You Don't Know About Me" column. Let's see how I do...

1. I am addicted to 3 "food" items...Sonic Iced Tea (Route 44 size...drink 4-6 per week!); protein smoothies (so conveniently located inside 24 Hour Fitness where I am 6 days/week!); and protein bars (can you see the trend here for caffeine, protein, and energy!).

2. I don't cook anymore. With my night job, my lack of sleep, my finicky eaters, and so many yummy fast food places around, I cook--I mean really COOK--maybe 3 times/month! This is so hideous, but true. Mac 'n cheese with hot dogs is not really cooking...neither is German sausage with rice (pre-packaged rice that you zap for 90 seconds!).

3. I go to a tanning bed. This is peace and solace for me. 20 minutes of nonstop adult music, coupled with extra skin pigmentation...and all this for only 20 bucks a month? Bargain...

4. I am a texting fool! When D and I started texting, then gradually adding friends that texted, we got our phone bill up to $750 in one month before T-Mobile let me know that for only 10 bucks I could have unlimited texting! Last month, I had 1300 texts--just me--not including Darrin's...could this be another addiction??

5. My second and third toes on my right foot are separating! Don't know why...neither did the expert foot doctor at Baylor Hospital who called my condition "funny-lookin'" paid $175 for that?? He said, "Have you tried taping them together?" until summer gets here...and sandals... oooo..

I would like to see Shelley, Cara, and whoever else wants to join in this fun to complete this task!


Vanessa said...

My tanning season is about to begin! Cant have any white Americans in Europe can we????HAHA

The Sonic tea ROCKS! I have to get the sweet kind though.

love ya

vi everett said...

Cathe, You might remember me. I am Shelleys aunt Vi. I am so glad that you joined Shelley and Vanessa in their bloggin madness. I too have the same toes seperating. My podiatrist told me that I have nuremoas ( tumors on the nerve under my toes) they hurt sooooo bad when I worked and stood everyday--but I am not working now so the pain is a little better. Check it out serch about nuromas on google. Hey it is cheaper than a Dr. Vi