Myspace Backgrounds
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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Pool Time!

We have the best neighbor in the world! Mr. Hammer, a recent widower, lives right behind us. He told me a couple of months ago that I had to make him a promise... a promise that we would use his pool! Um...let me think about that...OKAY! Today was our "debut swim" was 66 degrees outside, but that didn't stop the brothers! Sissy was left behind with Dad so that Mom wouldn't have to enter the cool pool...Fun times! (PS...check out that 9 yr old's giraffe tongue! wow!)


Vanessa said...

You've gotta love a good neighbor!
Glad yall got to have some FUN!
When are you coming to see us???????????????????????

thomascrow9 said...

He is a good neighbor. I got to use it when I visited last with Cat and the kids. Pictures all look really good and loved seeing everyone. Sissy and Beau kept me entertained.
lov eyou